Early Learning: How To Tie A Shoe Kids Activities Blog

A Fun Way to Larn How To Necktie A Shoe

Is your child at that stage where they are learning to lace only still oasis't mastered tying?  Lacing and tying are fantabulous activities for children to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.   This early learning shoe activity will assistance encourage them in these new skills and they will have then much fun in the process.

First, yous need a piece of thin cardboard.  I used a cereal box and I made my shoe template on it.  Since information technology's three dimensional, brand sure to draw your shoe on both sides every bit shown above in picture #one.

Next, dial holes in the cardboard and add reinforcements stickers around the holes.   This volition strengthen the holes and continue them from getting torn afterward the first couple of times of being used.

Then, they are ready to pigment their shoe how ever they wish.

Lastly, add the shoe laces or colorful ribbons.  My number 3, in the motion picture above has the laces only to give you a visual just I wouldn't lace it until it's painted and dried.

The Quirky Mommas love fun hands-on activities similar this to encourage early learning and development of fine motor skills.   Here are a few other fun ideas to keep y'all little child's hands moving and learning while they have fun:

  • Preschool Skills: Lacing Cards – Lacing cards are as well a swell educational and developmental toy for preschoolers as they work on their pincer grip, hand-eye coordination, and patience.
  • Polly Pocket Bracelets – This was a perfect early on threading action for a kid learning to use needle and thread.
  • Recycled Art: Cup Holder Sculpture – This simple action encourages your kid to use pocket-sized motor skills and analyze colour choices. And it makes for a a actually fun abstruse sculpture.


Source: https://kidsactivitiesblog.com/16996/early-learning-how-to-tie-a-shoe/

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