How to Draw a Tulip Tree

The tulip is one of the most beautiful flowers that you can find. These unique flowers are unique not just because of their incredible bright colors, but also because of their interesting structure.

They originated in Asia, before becoming popular around the world. They grew especially popular in the Netherlands, so much so that the tulip is an iconic symbol of this country.

The bright colors and variations they come in have made them a popular flower not only in gardens and floral displays but also in artworks like paintings and drawings.

If you would like to learn how you can draw this beautiful flower, then this step-by-step guide on how to draw a tulip will be perfect for you!how to draw tulip in 7 steps

What's in this Blog Post

  • How to Draw A Tulip – Let's get Started!
    • Step 1
    • Step 2 – Draw the next petal of the tulip drawing
    • Step 3 – Next, draw the stem of your flower
    • Step 4 – Now, draw some more petals
    • Step 5 – Next, draw some more details
    • Step 6 – Close off the drawing with some leaves
    • Step 7 – Finish off your tulip drawing with some color
    • Your Tulip Drawing is Complete!

How to Draw A Tulip – Let's get Started!

Step 1tulip drawing step 1

Tulips have a unique and specific structure to them, so we shall build them up using some simple lines and shapes. To start with, you can draw a curvy line with a point at the top.

The reference picture will guide you with how it should look. Getting the curvature of the petal can be a little bit tricky, so you could always draw with a pencil first before using your pen if you're having a hard time with it.

Step 2 – Draw the next petal of the tulip drawingtulip drawing step 2

In this second step of our guide on how to draw a tulip, we shall start with the second petal. It should connect very organically to the first petal that you drew in the previous step.

It will have a similar structure to the first tulip, yet this one will be a bit bigger. Once you have that second petal, you're ready for the next step.

Step 3 – Next, draw the stem of your flowertulip drawing step 3

Every flower needs a stem, so let's draw one for this part of your tulip drawing. The stem will start with some sharp lines near the top and will come down with some slightly curved, wavy lines.

You could also make the stem straighter or even more curved if you would prefer it like that!

Step 4 – Now, draw some more petalstulip drawing step 4

Tulips have several layers of petals that make up their iconic design, so we shall add some more in this step of our guide on how to draw a tulip.

Carefully draw a line to the right-hand side of the flower as you can see in the reference image.

Then, draw a line with a sharp point near the top in the center of the flower to show a petal on the opposite side of the flower.

For these kinds of elements, you can also change the size and position of the petals to create a unique look. If you do decide to try this, then the reference image will help you position the petals correctly.

Step 5 – Next, draw some more detailstulip drawing step 5

The next few steps of this guide on how to draw a tulip will be all about putting some final details and elements on your image.

For this part, the first thing you should do is draw a line in the center of the petal beneath the upper line. This will give a look of more petal layers to your image.

Finally, draw some lines on the stem for some extra detail to that area as well.

Step 6 – Close off the drawing with some leavestulip drawing step 6

Before you bring some amazing colors to your tulip drawing, you can finish it off with the final elements.

The main element is the leaves of the tulip, which can be drawn using curved lines with a sharp point at the tip, like the ones in our reference picture.

Finish off these leaves by drawing some simple lines in the center of them, and with that detail, you have finished the drawing!

Before the final coloring step, now is your chance to add any additional elements that you would like to finish off your drawing nicely.

These could range from some details such as insects on the flowers to a detailed background. If you're feeling ambitious, you could even draw multiple tulips on one page for a tulip extravaganza!

There's no limit to the creativity you can display for your image, so we can't wait to see what you come up with.

Step 7 – Finish off your tulip drawing with some colortulip drawing step 7

Now that you have completed drawing your tulip and any extra elements that you like, you can move on to the final part that you need to bring your drawing to life. It's a fun step, as now you get to express yourself with some beautiful colors!

Tulips come in a wide variety of different colors, so you have a wide palette of different ones to choose from. While they can come in many colors, one thing is usually consistent: the brightness.

Tulips almost always come in wonderfully bright and vibrant colors, and there are some mediums that you could use to replicate this vibrancy.

The best ones for brightness would be some acrylic paints, colored pens or markers.

While these would be great for some brighter colors, you could also keep it a bit more muted by using something like watercolors.

This could help to give a more classic feeling to the picture, and could even help to give your tulip drawing a bit of a storybook feel.

There are so many options at your disposal, and any colors or mediums you choose will look incredible!

Your Tulip Drawing is Complete!

That brings us to the end of this guide on how to draw a tulip. We hope that you had an amazingly fun time working through this guide to land up with the incredible drawing in front of you!

Tulips have an intricate and specific structure to them, so we hope that the steps in this guide made it easy and fun for you to learn!

This step-by-step drawing guide is not the end of your drawing adventure, though! We have many more uploaded on our site for you to enjoy, and we will be bringing out many more frequently.

Please remember to check out our site frequently to never miss out!

We can't wait to see your amazing tulip drawing, so please be sure to upload it on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to enjoy!how to draw a tulip in 7 easy steps


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